Home > Are you STUCK? - Part One

Are you STUCK? - Part One

February 15th, 2008 at 03:54 pm

Welcome to the latest series - "Are you STUCK?"

Have you ever been stuck financially? I mean STUCK. Do you feel so stuck that you can't even gain any traction to get control of your finances?

Perhaps you have no income because you have lost your job. Maybe you are in college and accumulating debt to pay for it. Perhaps your spouse spends money faster than you make it. Or maybe you are just lost when it comes to managing money. It might even be the fact that you have so much unsecured debt that you feel that the creditors should just change the amount owed to a cool $1,000,000 because it might as well be that much! Maybe you are disabled, and can't figure out what to do to earn more money.

If this is you, this is a series for you!

In this series, I will be sharing steps you can take to become unSTUCK.

I am FIRED UP about this series.

Part One: WHY are you stuck?

It is important to understand why you are stuck. There are some situations that have definite ends to them (college) and other situations that have indefinite ends to them (job loss, disability, and overwhelming debt).

Why are you stuck?

Write it down on paper. Right now. Write "I am stuck financially because … ".

When I encounter situations where I don't know what to do, I start writing. Writing enables me to put all of my thoughts on paper.

After writing all of my jumbled thoughts down, I set it aside for awhile. After a day or two, I revisit what I have written and identify the repetitive thoughts. This helps me identify the core issue.

Readers: Would you comment on why you are stuck or what caused you to be stuck in the past?

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2 Responses to “Are you STUCK? - Part One”

  1. mom-sense Says:

    Joe, Looking forward to your Series, as I believe I am stuck or disinterested or ... still trying to figure that out ... and the goofy thing is my financial situation isn't exactly paralyzing as my DH has a job and we have a savings account, but there seem to be endless things on the horizon that we need to face and plan for (roof/property taxes/tuition) etc etc!

  2. luxlivingfrugalis Says:

    Great topic Joe!

    I'm not stuck now, but at times in the past it seemed like we were in log-jam mode. We couldn't see any way out. It seems to have taken me lots of reading (and I'm not that dumb) to figure out how to oochie my way out. Where can I get a bit of breathing room here? Can I lift this and then twist that around?

    I would think your current 'stuck-ees' need to know to keep looking for the outs. Where can I transfer a balance to get even a bit of breathing room in the budget. What could I do without? Where can I find out more? How do other people make this work? Just knowing not to stay stuck but to keep trying to work their way out of the mess. And it may not be more hours at work - it may be a reduction in spending, or a cancelling of some unneeded service or fee. Add a few of these together and before you know it the log jam is floating free and you are soaring down the river.

    Hope this helps someone in some way. Just keep looking for the exits folks!!

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